Kinds of Online and Mail-order Pharmacies

Internet or online pharmacies are sort of business that is selling and marketing drugs and other pharmacy products through internet and sold products are delivered to consumers via mail. If we get to count online pharmacies then it really is very difficult to determine their amount. Studies conducted by FDA in year 2000 have found that almost three hundred to four hundred online pharmacies were working then out of total half of the amount was of domestic nature.

National Association of Pharmacy board has evaluated some two hundred online working domestic pharmacies. The American Medical Association is of the view that there are some four hundred online pharmacies providing their services to domestic and international customers. The drugs that have been sold by these pharmacies mount up to 1000 compositions.

Requirements for prescription: online pharmacies have three categories, this differentiation is done keeping in mind prescription requirements of these pharmacies.

- Traditional online pharmacies (prescription based on in-person diagnosis)

- Remote consultation online pharmacies (prescription is based on a phone call or online consultation)

- None prescription online pharmacies (no consultation or diagnosis is required)

Traditional Online Pharmacies: the requirement for this sort of pharmacies is “prescription as is provided by your doctor after diagnosis”. The prices for medications and drugs are lower then prices as compared to online remote consultation pharmacies. Pharmacies that have gain inclusion in this list are popular pharmacy chains, huge mail-order centers and neighborhood pharmacies in Canada and United States of America. These pharmacies generally are available with all sorts of medications and drugs as are required by you.

Remote consultation Online Pharmacies: most patients desire to buy medications with out seeing a doctor to obtain a prescription. There are a number of online pharmacies, which make available for you drugs and medications with out pharmacies but with consultation. This consultation is conducted online or via phone call by pharmacy, experts and then medicines and drugs are prescribed.

These pharmacy are generally available with drugs known as lifestyle medication that is, they are non-addictive and do not require monitoring.

Non-prescription online pharmacies: a number of websites are also working online which do not ask for a prescription at all. This is an illegal activity in United States, however. Most of such websites, which are working with out prescription requirement, are “stealing pharmacies” and they may have your credit card information stolen.

Online Pharmacies in US: most of the Online American Pharmacies are well-established chains in the business and are recognized well all around. Following are the advantages of buying from these US online Pharmacies:

- Low prices over generic drugs

- Drug insurance acceptance

- Lower charges for shipping

- Recourses are easy incase you are aggrieved.

- Stronger drugs coupled with safety regulations of pharmacy.

PS: insurance does not cover drugs you buy from online pharmacies.

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