About Us

Pharmacytip.com evaluates and reviews prices, credentials, and customer feedback regarding online pharmacies. We are devoted to helping customers to find relevant information on online pharmacies and drugs from the most reputable online pharmacies. Pharmacytip.com users can find the pharmacies which offer the lowest prices.

We employ special extracting technology to collect prices from various pharmacies and view them in one convenient chart. Pharmacytip.com offers detailed information on online pharmacies. The prices, policies, contact information, is collected directly from the websites.

Healthcare professionals, consumers, and manufacturers are welcome to contribute their reviews. If you have any proposals or questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Making orders from an online pharmacy bring you lots of benefits and save you money. Nevertheless, there may arise certain potential risks.


• Absolute anonymity. Many people feel more comfortable asking questions or purchasing online.
• Low prices. Online pharmacies sell medications at much lower prices.
• Convenience. If you live in rural area, and you find it difficult to make purchases at your local pharmacy, you can order online. This will definitely save you time and efforts.
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